
Should My Ex Get A Wedding Invite?

Ex Get A Wedding Invite

Inviting an EX to one’s wedding is what many people might not consider doing. But however, some people still feel like an ex should be invited to his/her wedding based on some personal reasons, or if they still socialize. So, should my ex get a wedding invite?

Inviting an ex to your wedding can be a very critical decision as you might not be sure of the reactions of your ex towards you and your partner at your wedding. Therefore, you must take all the necessary precaution and be sure of the reasons for inviting your ex on your big day.

Before Sending The Wedding Invite, Answer These Questions.

  1. Your feelings

Do you still feel passionate, hurt, bitter or resentful towards your ex? If you have any of these emotional feelings then you shouldn’t consider inviting your ex to your wedding. You must also be sure of how your ex now feels towards you. If both or one of you still feel passionate toward the other, you might be tempted to have the last kiss and you might ruin your big day if you get caught. Also, having negative feelings when seeing your ex might ruin the joy of the day.

  1. Does your partner knows and socialize with your ex?

If your partner does not know about your ex or if he knows but does not socialize with your ex, then don’t consider sending a wedding invite to your ex-lover. For example, you do and your ex eventually appears at the wedding, your partner might feel uncomfortable and will feel betrayed.

  1. Does your spouse-to-be agree to have your ex at your wedding?

It doesn’t matter whether your partner knows your ex or whether they socialize or not. If your partner does not want your ex at your wedding then don’t send a wedding invite to him/her. The presence of your ex can make your partner feel jealous or threatened. Your partner wants to share the joy of the wedding day with you and not with your spouse.

  1. will you invite your ex’s new partner also?

Are you jealous? Or can’t stand seeing a new lover beside your ex, then don’t consider inviting them to your wedding. But if you want to then you should send an invite to the new partner also. With this, you will make the situation balance and your spouse-to-be will also have some peace of mind during the wedding party. If your ex is now married you might not consider inviting them as the new married partner might not be comfortable associating with his/her partner’s ex-relationship partner.

  1. Consider what led to your separation

Before you send a wedding invite to your ex, think about what led to your separation. Was it a critical issue that led to a deep hurt? Or you got separated mutually based on personal issues or unresolved differences. If you are still hurt by the effect of the separation then don’t consider inviting your ex. Otherwise, if the two of you have cleared your differences but still feel you should move on individually with your lives only as friends then you can send a wedding invite to your ex.

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