Every other week W.E. features a new couple as part of our Couple of the Week campaign. So far we’ve featured hundreds of beautiful couples on our website and social media. Would you like to be part of this campaign? In just a few steps YOU could be our next couple of the week. First, send us your wedding or engagement photos. Submit your photos to us on Instagram through direct message or email them to carabella@weddingestates.com. Also, please don’t just send one photo, please send at least five photos. Since, Wedding Estates is a location based service providing brides with the most exclusive properties throughout Los Angeles you can submit the photos you’ve shot at our locations. However, your photos DO NOT need to be shot at our locations. Next, add some details along with your photos (see below). Finally, hit the submit button and watch your photos appear as a feature on our social media!
1. Venue; Where the photos are taken.
2. Photographers info; We like to credit all the photographers.
3. You & Your Husband’s Instagram tags; if you don’t have Instagram don’t worry! Just send us your first & last names.
4. Makeup & Hairstylists info. (optional)
We look forward to seeing your beautiful photos in our direct messages!!