Traditionally, most people think that making a marriage work is hard work. They think to have an exciting, love-filled and fulfilling marriage can be sometimes difficult especially in this 21st century. Also, some believe that making a marriage work is 80% dependent on the wife’s attitude and behavior towards the marriage. So, groom advice is a key concept to preparing you for a forever commitment.
So, what will the man be doing while the wife struggles to make the marriage work? I just can’t imagine working vigorously on my marriage while my husband acts as a passive partner.
However, in some cases, these passive men want to do something to make their marriage work but they just don’t know what to do. Therefore, before you say “I do”, as a man, you must find out how to make your marriage work.
Don’t be an ignorant groom, get some advice from Dad, your best man, that couple you’ve always admired, or a married marriage counselor. You can have a great fun-filled marriage right from the first day you say “I do”.
This will help you make a great marriage, be a great husband, father and to make your dream marriage a reality.
Advice for the Groom

Don’t enter your marriage with the “Boss Mentality”
Well, your wife knows that you are the head of the home so you don’t have to tell her or act in a way to remind her. You must see your wife as your partner with whom you are ready to take great adventures together. It doesn’t matter who does the big or easy jobs, what matters is the person you do them with. Seeing your wife as your partner will give you more strength, energy, inspiration, and vibes to climb the “Highest Mountain” and even win the “big contract”.
be ready to tell your wife exactly how you feel
Most grooms feel that they don’t want to burden their wives about how they feel or what they are going through emotionally. Don’t be worried that your wife might get upset or even get more worried than you are when she discover your true emotional state. Let her know what happened between you and your boss or colleague at work and how you feel about the issue. Let her know you are not happy, angry, upset, bored, depressed, anything. When you do need some space to be alone, tell her why and don’t just try to avoid her or put her off.
be ready to compromise.
Get ready to give in to your wife’s opinions, views and sometimes be ready to lose an argument. Yes, I know you are intelligent and smart but sometimes accept whatever she wants if it will make her happy even if you have a contrary suggestion. You might not always have things done your way.
Don’t ever say “I told you”
Sometimes, when your wife act or do anything contrary to your suggested opinion or advice and she has a negative outcome, don’t ever say “I told you”. Rather, accept her back in love, let her cry if she wants to and encourage her to try again for a better outcome.
Never forget to say “I love you” even when you don’t feel love for her
There is a chance that you will forget to tell your wife you love her after some years into the marriage due to some unavoidable marital challenges. Nevertheless, make a decision to love your wife always and let her know you do each passing day.