Wondering about what to say and how to make a toast to love and happy married life at your wedding reception party? No worries, it’s as simple and easy as eating a cup of chocolate! That sounds funny! Isn’t it? Ok! Here are some reception toast tips you can use to make it work like magic.
Reception Toast Tips

be emotionally ready
Many grooms find this point challenging especially those who dislike facing the crowd for a speech. Nevertheless, being emotionally prepared, calm and ready will give you some inner vibes to put great simple words together. When you allow fear or you’re being high-tensioned, you are likely to commit a serious mistake. Therefore, clear your mind of all doubts about yourself or the people that will be sitting before you while you give your toast.
Prepare your toast
Don’t believe the idea that, when you get to the reception, you will know what toast to say. No, you must give it a time of thoughtfulness before the “Big Day”. However, to make your toast tasteful, get sample appealing toast that had been given by other grooms and make a write up of your own toast from it. Have a perfect rehearsal for you to master each word and sentences with a soft, lovely and communicative voice. If you have to read your toast out loud from your paper don’t be ashamed to do that. It’s better to read from the paper than for you to commit any form of plunder on that day.
Start your toast appreciating your wife
Knowing fully well that your wife is the reason why you are here therefore, she must be number one on your list. Let the crowd know how much you love and appreciate her and that without her you might not be who and where you are now. Remember to say nice things about her that make the crowd know how awesome she is. You can also share about some wonderful moments you’ve had together but don’t talk about nasty things that can make a fool out of her or get her irritated. Just before you end talking about her move over to where she’s sited and give her a soft lovely kiss. It will cheer the crowd.
Move to your in-laws
Appreciating your in-laws is another important part of the toast. Let them know how wonderful they are for taking good care of your wife all these years and that you appreciate them for supportively giving out their daughter to you in marriage. While doing this, make sure your words are simple, gentle and respectful. Don’t crack unreasonable jokes, proverbs and un-concluded sentences that can provoke a misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Lift up your cup of wine over as a toast to them.
Appreciate your parents and all well-wishers that are sited
Your parents are also important, so you should give some complimentary comments about them. Let them know they are also really special. Every guest sited should be appreciated also in a friendly manner for their support and presence. A little simple joke to recognize your lousy friends will make everyone bring out their teeth in laughter.
End the toast with much love towards your wife
Remember you started with your wife, so you should also end with her because she’s the reason for the gathering. Reemphasis her kind-heartedness and love for you and also your vow to love her till death do you part. Toast your wine cup to her, and hold her passionately for a deep love kiss that will make all single guys and ladies in the room want to get married just after your wedding.