Wedding trends are constantly being changed, updated, and replaced. One of the hottest new trends in LA is having your wedding photography taken at an exclusive estate. Thanks to Wedding Estates, you can find this service all over Los Angeles. Being the leading company in exclusive wedding photography estates, our service has now become one of the hottest trends in LA. Here are a few things to keep in mind when booking with Wedding Estates.

1. Book 30 days in advance
Since our client inquiries have increased dramatically in this last year, it helps our team out if you inquiry 30 days before your date. We always do our very best to accommodate everyone, we know how important this day / photos are to you.

2. Wedding Photos (ONLY)
In order to provide you with the best service as painless and fast as possible, we would like to inform our clients that we do not host weddings, or receptions at our estates. Even though, we would love to, the homeowners we work with do not have the means to coordinate an event.

3. Wedding Day
After booking your photoshoot with Wedding Estates, make sure to get all the info about the estate you chose from your booking agent. Often times, we will provide an on-site coordinator to help you and your photographer navigate through the location. Past brides have had their wedding after their photo session so we understand if you’re pressed for time.