
Do We Need Welcome Bags for Out-Of-Town Guests

Welcome Bags

Creating an enjoyable, special, and memorable experience for your guests is essential to any wedding. This is especially true when you have guests that are traveling huge distances just to join in the celebration and spend the special day with you. However, this poses a question: is it really necessary to provide welcome bags for attendees checking in to the local hotel?

Well, it is not really necessary to provide welcome bags, but a good rule of thumb is to do it. Welcome bags are not a rule, but they are definitely a beautiful and heart-warming tradition that you should follow if you are able to. Greeting your beloved with goodies that they may need during their visit is a wonderful way to welcome them to your big day and your big celebration. Another big plus is that your welcome bags can replace a wedding favor, and they are often more useful. 

Wedding welcome bags

Wedding welcome bags are definitely doable if you have a smaller invite list, and they are a nice gesture if you are hosting a more intimate ceremony. Even if your wedding guest list is longer, wedding welcome bags are doable, since most of your guests are very likely to be local and not traveling into the town to attend the wedding. 

There is no need to bash your head coming up with the perfect contents of the wedding welcome bag. Your guests are going to appreciate anything you decide to gift to them in order to kick off to your wedding weekend, but here are some tips to pull together the perfect welcome gift bag

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