Listen up fellas, the biggest day of the year is already approaching. Yes, it’s here! Valentines Day 2019! This is a huge opportunity to ask your girlfriend for her hand on the biggest day of the year, other than her birthday. Christmas and New Years proposals are nice, but a Valentines Day proposal is so much more romantic! As a result, let’s get into some Valentines Day proposal inspiration and give you guys the details.
Valentines Day Proposal Inspiration
What Every Girl Wants;
Even if she denies it, she wants flowers, a teddy bear, chocolates, a candle lit dinner and wine. With that being said, the perfect proposal entails all of these elements into one perfectly transitioned night, until you pop the big question! Furthermore, just toss everything she says out the window and move forward with your romantic plans.

The series of events;
If you’re over the top romantic you would have slipped a thoughtful note into her makeup bag the night before. While she wakes up in the morning and goes to get ready for work she will find her note, instantly putting her in a great mood. However, if this isn’t you we’ve got the solution! Since you know her favorite coffee shop, this is the perfect day to call ahead and have her favorite drink and pastry ordered for pickup (compliments of babe).
Once she’s past the coffee shop, you’re already on the phone with a local florist arranging a delivery of her favorite flowers and chocolates. In my opinion, save the teddy bear for when she comes home from work. First, you don’t want her to have so many things in her office that she can’t carry them. Take it from a girl, it can be a struggle so keep the teddy at home.
Next, she’s finally off work it’s time to get on with the night! Along with the biggest teddy bear she’s ever seen, go out a buy her a brand new dress (something you like for her). Once she gets home, surprise her with the bear and have her change for your night out!

The Proposal Choice
Up until now, she’s probably the happiest girl in the world but the nights not over yet! This is where each guy has his own style…check out these two scenarios for Valentines Day proposal inspiration….
Scenario A
You’re both ready and looking stunning for a romantic night out. You get to the restaurant, reservations have already been made so they take you to your candle lit table and the rest goes on…After you eat, but before dessert you tell her how beautiful she looks and profess your love to her. Furthermore, you can propose to her through dessert (on her plate) in her champagne glass (in her glass) or take her to a surprise Valentines Day proposal location place after dinner.

Scenario B
When she comes home from work, have the house completely decorated with rose walkways, heart shaped balloons, roses, and champagne. Once she enters the bedroom make a speech and then pop the question! Finally after she says yes, go out to celebrate at a night dinner or stay in and have dinner prepared for two.

Either way she’s going to say yes, and be completely blown away. Not only at the amount of effort you put into this but also because she wasn’t expecting this at all!
Best of luck fellas, and Happy Valentines Day!